- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BETA 0.6 (12/7/2015):- Added Tank
- Added FBI Truck
- Maximum Wanted Level is now 5 Stars (with more cops, FBI and army)
- Added 15 "Car Theft" Sidejobs
- Added 1 new Achievement
- Added more buildings
- Major bug fixes
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BETA 0.5 (22/6/2015):- Fixed car engine sounds and effects (finally!)
- Added 1 new weapon (Sniper Rifle)
- Added Helicopter (with cheat code only)
- Added 'Firefighter' sidejobs (press 'Q' when you get a firetruck)
- You can now shoot water from the firetruck (Left-Click)
- Added Mini-Map
- Added @NLINEspot (Internet Cafe) around the city
- Added 1 new Achievement
- Added a whole new soundtrack for the in-game radio thanks to Justin Jorgensen for this amazing work
- Parked cars are now created dynamically
- Replaced some textures
- You can now change your phone's wallpaper (wallpaper from file is still available, simply place your "phone_wallpaper.jpg" in DATA folder)
- Fixed car and pedestrian shadows
- Redesigned mobile phone menu and features
- Improved rainy weather
- Default View Distance is now set to "High" (you can change it from Options)
- Default screen resolution is now set to 1024x768 (was 640x4Eek!)
- Some GUI improvements
- Major bug fixes
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BETA 0.4 (11/2010):- Added story missions (7 in total)
- Added race events (5 in total)
- Added 'taxi driver' jobs (start with 'Q')
- Added 1 new safehouse (available from the start)
- Added a car shop
- Added a garage to store vehicles (must buy the safehouse first)
- Added 1 new weapon (Rpg-7)
- Added 1 new achievement
- Added 2 new vehicles
- Changed the mobile phone keys to 'arrowkeys' navigation (up, down, left, right)
- Fixed the targeting camera with a new over the shoulder view
- To change weapons use the mousewheel up/down
- Some changes on the map
- Added new skybox
- Improved hud
- Removed the rain sound
- Some other fixes
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BETA 0.3 (12/2009):- Lots and lots of fixes in code and in general
- Added 5 new cars
- Added mobile phone with options (access with '5' key, navigate with keypad 2,8,0) . You can also add your own wallpaper for the phone by replacing the image: "data/phone_wallpaper.Jpg" (your image must be called 'phone_wallpaper.Jpg' with a size of 107px. Width * 142px. Height)
- Added the 'weapon-nation' shops
- Added 'burgers world' food shops
- Added map (open it with 'm' button)
- Added radio (download the 'cl3radio.Zip' file from the official site here "http://crimelife3.blogspot.com/2009/11/radio.html" and extract it's contents in folder "data\audio\". There should be 10 files 'track**.wav' in that folder to make it work)
- Added 1 new safehouse to buy
- Added cheats (for cheats check out the official site)
- The maximum wanted level is now on 3 stars
- Added the red effect when you hurt
- Added 3 new achievements
- Fixed the save/load bug
- Fixed the wardrobe camera
- Fixed the screenshot button (F2) for multiple screenshots
- Some textures has been replaced
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BETA 0.2 (12/2008):- 4 new weapons (grappling gun [from cl1], grenades, ak-47, molotov cocktail)
- Added achievements (press 'g' button in game to view achievements)
- Added some special features with the real date events (for example: try to play the game on halloween or christmas to see some "changes")
- Added cops and wanted levels (only 2 wanted levels)
- Added traffic
- Added more hud stuff like: lifebar, armor and money
- Added a safe house wich you can buy and save your progress and change your clothes
- Fixed the targeting system only to horizontal view(the vertical view while targeting is not necessary)
- Added paintjobs building (to repaint & fix your vehicle)
- Added weather effects
- Added more vehicles (including motocross bikes, jet-ski a train and more!)
- City increased by 70% from the previous version
- Added some more clothes and accessories for the character
- Better explosions and other effects
- The game now uses a new technique to keep the fps at a good speed (when the fps are lower than 18 the view distance is decreased and when it's more than 18 the view distance is increased)
- Fixed some textures
- Fixed the gliches with the sounds and the collisions
- Some other fixes
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BETA 0.1 (8/2008):
- The new character model has got about 800+ polys, compared to Crimelife 2, the character was 140 polys.
- Everything has been redesigned from scratch for the best results, using some new and powerful techniques to keep the game at fullspeed (30fps) without bugs.
- As you can see motorbikes will be there.Driving phisics has been redesigned too for the best feel and control.
- Tons of models. The first beta will have more than 100 models and still counting.
- Every part of the map has been designed with AC3D (and most of the models) and now the view distance has been increased 800%(!) times more than Crimelife 2.
= Note: Here Is Link To Download the File Game =
To combine 9 parts files above into 1 file just use WINRAR, then extract the files into ZIP format.
If any problem with the file, maybe because the file have corrupted during the download process, you can try to re-download the file.
Description : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BETA...