Today I got the latest update to the dev channel, 0.13.587.2, and noticed the wifi icon has changed. As soon as I saw it, I thought, "Hey, I recognize that!"
Up-to-date, with new wifi icon. |
Where have I seen this before? Oh yeah...on my phone.
Note the 2.2 (FroYo) wireless icon |
This is the 2.3 (Gingerbread) icon. |
I like that they're making the distinction between wireless LAN and mobile wireless through the UI. It's a small change, but for someone who enjoys this sort of thing, it's a nice touch.
Also of note (and I'm sure this has been there, but I'm just now pointing it out): connection panel, including VPN and network configuration (sharing access, etc.)
New wireless connection box. Hello VPN and other handy configuration. |
Fun stuff for this morning. Time to go to work! :D
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Title : This looks familiar
Description : Today I got the latest update to the dev channel, 0.13.587.2, and noticed the wifi icon has changed. As soon as I saw it, I thought, "H...